Thursday, April 22, 2010

Summer Hiking Buddy - missing and presumed hijacked by a Geocacher

Originally placed in 2006.
Located in Exeter Township on the Exeter Scenic River Trail.

5/5/13- I went to do maintenance on this box and it was missing. Out of curiosity, I checked and found that in March, a new cache had been placed within a few feet of my box and that several geocachers mentioned that they found the box instead of the cache.  Funny that a few weeks after a cache was placed, my box, which had been in place since 2006, went missing.  Coincidence???  I think not!

I have a little hiking buddy
He goes in and out with me

And what can be the use of him
Is more than I can see

He really, really likes me
From my head down to my toes

And he really enjoys getting
In my ears and in my nose

If you would like to share him
There's something you should know

After just a little bit of rain
The Schuylkill can overflow

Walking along this trail in
Search of my little buddy

Can lead you along a walkway
That can often be quite muddy

From the Exeter River parking lot
Keep the river on your left

And head past the two mile marker
And the benches right and left

Halfway between them looms
The boulders large and great

And in a crevice along the left
My buddy lies in wait

So don't forget your sneakers
And to apply your spray

Because if you forget either
You will rue it the next day

I checked on this box 4/22/10 and it is still safely nestled in its hidey hole, never found. Thanks to Otis Friends for supplying me with the clues which I lost when my old computer died. I did tweak the clues a bit so if you had saved these from a few years ago, please reprint them.
Hint: If you are clever enough to figure out the alternate entrance to this trail, you can cut the walk down from about four miles to one.