Saturday, November 24, 2018

Go On, You Can Do It, Get Up that Hill!!

Start here but be prepared for a short but fairly steep and rocky climb.
 Yay!  A wildlife sanctuary, no hunting!
 Read about the flora and fauna in the forest.
 You can walk right past this sign unless you are in pursuit of other treasures in these woods.
 Pay close attention to this one though.  Now the climb begins.
 When you see the waterfalls ahead of you, take the little trail to the right.
 Enjoy the view.  It was 17 degrees the day that I hid this box and the falls were beginning to ice over.
 Now turn around and see the little sapling growing parallel to the ground on the right side of the trail.
 Lift that top mossy rock up and find what you are seeking.

Stained Glass #11

Stained Glass #10

    Hanging inside shrub.

Black Friday

Just a simple little driveby. (39.988361, -76.670899)
Find this sign.
Look in the end of this guardrail.

The Overlook

Urey Overlook is in York County and is a portion of the Susquehannock State Park which is in Lancaster County.  The .92 mile walk to the overlook was a really pretty and very easy walk.  The trail is wide and not very rocky.  Please use a brown marker on the stamp.
 Go around the gate to the blue blazed trail.
 Make the turn towards the overlook and enjoy the view.
 A little history lesson.
 The northern view of the Susquehanna River from the overlook.
The bench and the southern view.
Find the trees with the yellow blaze on the right side and the blue blazes on the left.
 Then find the two beech trees...see, one has a big hole in it.  Walk around on the left side of the trees to the oak tree. 
 While walking, you will need to walk over this big quartz boulder which has sunk into the ground.
 You are getting closer!
 Now look under the pile of leaves and branches.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

This is My Pennsylvania - Wind Power

Warning:  this park does not currently have park maps so if you feel you might need one, print it out ahead of time.   I called the park and they told me that they will not have park maps available until spring 2019.   Also, if you collect park stamps, the park office has very limited hours but when I called, they told me that the Susquehannock stamp can be obtained at the Samuel S. Lewis park office.  
 The main reason for going to Susquehannock State Park, aside from this letterbox, is for the view of the Susquehanna River from the Overlook Trail.  It is only a short walk so, please, take it and enjoy before looking for the box.
 View of the river looking south.
 View of the river looking north.
 After enjoying the view, make your way back to the parking area near the Long House.
 Walk between the house and the maintenance building.
 You will see a real road once you pass these two buildings.
 When you come to this trail marker, you have a decision to make.
 Here....this makes your decision much easier.
Take about 48 steps and look to your right.  About 28 steps into the woods, you will see the tree below.
 There is a large downed tree laying in front of your tree.
Look at the back side of the tree, about ten feet from the stump end.