Sunday, July 02, 2006

Laura's Childhood Luvs - Scooby Doo

This is one of a series of boxes based on my daughter’s childhood luvs. Laura is the mother of my beloved grandson, Nicholas, and when she was pregnant with him, we did some shopping in the toy departments to see what toys were the latest rage for today’s infants. We were totally surprised to find that many of the toys that Laura played with as a child are still available and popular today. These boxes began as a series of postal letterboxes and as they returned home, I planted them permanently. While reminiscing, we remembered several other favorites and created new boxes to memorialize them. Because Laura has a physical challenge (she is blind) and also enjoys letterboxing, I am placing these boxes in areas that are mainly handicapped accessible.

This box was placed in a park on Lloyd Avenue in Downingtown, Chester County. Every time I go past this park, I see people getting their dogs in and out of the car and I found out from some local people that it is known as the Dog Park so I thought that Scooby Doo would be happy here. This is an open grassy field which tends to have a lot of wet swampy areas because it is right next to the Brandywine Creek. The parking lot is at a little creek, if the water is low, you can almost hop across it. There is a solid ground way to get onto the field up the road a little bit. Be careful of walking through the creek though, I tried it and it sucked the sandal right off of my foot. Anyway, follow the Brandywine around the edge of the field. There are many little alcoves in the trees to get a better view of the pretty stream banks here. At the very end of the field, it begins to curve around to the north. Continue to follow the perimeter of the field. You will pass a path coming in from the cornfield on your right. Soon, you will pass an extremely straight trunked tree in the form of a V. A little further along is a many (and I mean many) trunked tree on a little rise. It is kind of eerie looking. Beside it is a metal pole. The box is nestled in the many trunks. It may be better to go back to the cornfield to stamp in because this park is extremely busy with a lot of dogs who run freely.

Comment recevied from the Clueless Crew on 9/5/06
Hello! Just wanted to know we found your letterbox on 9/4/06 called Scooby Doo! We also enjoyed watching all the real dogs jumping into the stream and running around playing with each other. Your box was well hidden and has some really nice stamps in it! Just to let you know... the stream there is called "Beaver Creek" not the Brandywine. It runs into the Brandywine. We know this because our son goes to school at Beaver Creek Elementary which borders this stream. We have lived in Downingtown for 30 years and are 99.99% sure of that name. We look forward to discovering some more of your letterboxes when we get over 25 finds - so far we're nubbies with only 3 but we look forward to many autumn hikes and plan to try Berks County when we get braver since there are so many hidden there. Thanks again for making such a kid-friendly letterbox. The Clueless Crew

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a great find! This was the first time my girls (age 4 and 2), and I had gone out letterboxing. They had a wonderful time, I think we'll be doing more of this soon!