You know how you just seem to accumulate a bunch of stamps from various occasions and they just sit around and do nothing but take up space. I have a basket that I dump them all into, the ex-postals, the ones that I carved because I just liked the clipart, the ones I planned on using for something but never did and frankly, I just need to get rid of them and use the space for new useless stamps.
And you know how some people who letterbox think that the stamp and logbook should represent the area where they are hidden? They won't hunt for a silly little stamp unless it is historic or they brag that a tourist could find all of the highpoints of their town just by following their letterboxes?
Well, this series is to say - I don't care! I need to empty my basket so I am going to plant a series of stamps totally irrelevant to the area that they are in and those who are a bit particular just don't need to look for them.
And with this introduction, I am posting my first three Empty Basket Series letterboxes. Watch for more to be posted as soon as I find just the right spot for my useless stamps!
#1 Why Not (hide it since I have never used it?)
7h1$ £177£3 p4r|{ ƒ0££0w$ 7h3 Br4nÐ¥w1n3 (r33|{ 0n 7h3 4ppr0pr1473£¥ n4m3Ð (r33|{ R04Ð. 4ƒ73r ¥0µ p4r|{, ¥0µ h4v3 4 (h01(3 70 m4|{3 – Ð0 ¥0µ 7µrn £3ƒ7 0r r19h7 0n 7h3 £177£3 7r41£? 1ƒ 1 w3r3 ¥0µ, 1 w0µ£Ð h34Ð 70w4rÐ$ ƒ£0r1Ð4. Wh3n ¥0µ p4$$ 7h3 b£4(|{ Ðr41n493 p1p3, ¥0µ w1££ |{n0w 7h47 ¥0µr (h01(3 w4$ (0rr3(7. (0n71nµ3 w4£|{1n9 71££ ¥0µ $33 4 br19h7 ¥3££0w r3(74n9£3 70 ¥0µr r19h7 4nÐ 7h3n ƒ0££0w 7h3 7r41£ 70 7h3 £3ƒ7. 1ƒ ¥0µ w4n7 70 ƒ1nÐ 7h3 b0x, ¥0µ 7h3n n33Ð 70 m4|{3 7h3 n3x7 £3ƒ7 4nÐ 7h3n 7h3 n3x7 r19h7. B¥ 7h1$ 71m3, ¥0µ w1££ pr0b4b£¥ b3 $4¥1n9 “wh47 w4$ $h3 7h1n|{1n9?”
#2 Yeah Right (this stamp really belongs in these woods!)
Wh3n ¥0µ 4r3 1n 7h3 p4r|{1n9 £07 ƒ0r 7h1$ p4r|{ 0n M41Ð3n(r33|(i{ R04Ð, ¥0µr b4(|{ w1££ b3 70w4rÐ$ $0m3 £0v3£¥ mµ$hr00m h0µ$3$ 4nÐ ¥0µ w1££ b3 ƒ4(1n9 $0m3 br19h7 ¥3££0w 0bj3(7$. 0n 7h3 r19h7 $1Ð3 0ƒ 7h1$ 7r41£ 1$ 4 v3r¥ £4r93 h1££ bµ7 Ð0n’7 w0rr¥, ¥0µ w0n’7 b3 (£1mb1n9 17.
Length : 1/2 mile
4ƒ73r ¥0µ h4v3 ƒ0µnÐ 7h3 $|{µn|{ (4bb493, m0$3¥ 0n Ð0wn 70 7h3 07h3r 3nÐ 0ƒ 7h3 p4r|{ 4nÐ p4r|{ 1n 7h3 N47µr3 (3n73r p4r|{1n9 £07. 74|{3 7h3 b1|{3 p47h, p4$$1n9 7h3 2 ½ |{ $19n. ƒ1nÐ 7h3 “ƒr491£3 7r41£” 4nÐ 74|{3 17 34$7. ƒ1r$7 ¥0µ w1££ (r0$$ 4 b04rÐw4£|{, 7h3n ¥0
#4 - Whoopee Doo (there is already another box in these woods)
Hike length 1/2 mile
This stamp was originally carved in honor of those who went down in Flight 93 on 9/11. It was intended to be placed near the site of the actual wreckage. The Immobile One has no problem stopping at this site whenever we are in the area but he has no patience with my se
B391n 47 7h1$ bµ1£Ð1n9 4nÐ 74|{3 ¥3££0w/b£µ3 70 ¥3££0w. 7µrn £3ƒ7 47 ƒ1r$7 0pp0r7µn17¥ 0ƒƒ ¥3££0w. P4$$ 2 bµ773rƒ£¥ h0µ$3$. 7µrn 0n r3Ð 7r41£ 4nÐ p4$$ 4 b3n(h wh1£3 h34Ð1n9 70 4 £4r93 Ð0wn3Ð 7r33 £4¥1n9 4(r0$$ 7h3 7r41£. 7h1$ 7r33 h4$ b33n (µ7 70 4££0w w4£|{3r$ 7hr0µ9h. 90 70 7h3 b4$3 0ƒ 7h1$ 7r33 4nÐ 74|{3 22 P 1n 4 n0r7h3r£¥ Ð1r3(710n 70 4n 1v¥ (0v3r3Ð $7µmp (n0, n07 p01$0n 1v¥!). £00|{ 0n 7h3 34$7 $1Ð3 0ƒ 7h3 $7µmp 47 7h3 b4$3.