Sunday, July 16, 2017

This is My Pennsylvania - Black Bears AQ 284184

 Look for Parking Area 2 which can be found on the right side of the road between the park office and the campground.
 Go into the parking area.
The parking area is grassy and very muddy in wet weather.  Once parked, look to the left and notice the multi trail which is shown on the left side of the picture below and a grassy area on the right.  Head to the grassy area.
Go ahead, walk back into it.
As you walk into the opening, look to your right.
Look for a rotting stump about 15 feet in.
Go take a closer look at it!
And then walk around to the back of it. See that overdone pile of rocks?  Check there.
 In case you couldn't see it in the first picture, here is another.
This box may be moved in the future.  I was hiking alone this weekend and the bear talk kind of scared me away from spending too much time on the trail.  I am hoping to return to find all of the wonderful boxes in this park with friends and hopefully will find a better spot for this box.  Keep checking back for updated clues if you are planning on searching for this one.
Black Bears 

This is My Pennsylvania - Railroad History AQ 284186

Take the blue trail between these two rocks.
Enjoy the beauty of this trail.  Do your homework.
After you cross over this plank bridge, take the first left hand turn.
Take eight steps and then look to your right for this tree with a slanted rock in front of it.  For additional identification, there is a two trunk tree and a three trunk tree to the left of the tree and a two trunk tree behind it.
Then head into the town of Gouldsboro and enjoy this cute little railroad station.