Friday, July 28, 2017

This is My Pennsylvania - Leader in Abolition Laws AQ 284536

Lovely tribute to Brenda.
Continue down the trail.
 Cross over the creek.
The little creek leads to the big creek which leads to Prompton Lake.
The bridge to nowhere.
View from the bridge, first the V tree and then the chosen tree.

This is My Pennsylvania - Pioneer in Deaf Education AQ 284532

 This is as far north as you can drive on the South Shore road.
Pick me, pick me!
 Since this "trail" used to be a road, I am not exactly sure what this metal pole was used for.  Maybe as a landmark for a letterbox??  Note added:  the first finder of this box said that this is actually the second metal pole on the trail.  It was the only one I noticed but the growth was pretty high.
Front side of this tree.
 Awkward picture but there is a branch wedged into the front of the tree, the box is behind it.

This is My Pennsylvania - Legendary Women AQ 284614

 Park in fourth parking spot facing woods from boat rental end of the lot.
Magical view from the stump!
 20 steps to the right from the magical view.
Pictures from the Frances Slocum trail....where I was supposed to place this box.