Sunday, March 24, 2019

Oh, Rats, There Goes the Neighborhood! Box #303497

To find this box, visit Delaware's newest state park, Auburn Valley, and take a walk on the trail at the Oversee Farm Park on Snuff Road, Yorklyn, DE.  Be prepared that there is a fee to walk on this trail and all Delaware State Parks.
Park near this kiosk.
Then take the trail behind the kiosk, heading to the right.
Walk around the curve in the trail.
At the intersection, go straight towards the large evergreen tree which stands close to the trail.
Make your way through this tangle next to the evergreen.  Don't worry, once you get through the initial brush, the forest is clear.
When you are in the woods, walk to the backside of the evergreen trees to this warty bunch of trees.
One of the trees has a large rock at its base, the neighborhood rabble rouser is under the rock.

This is My Pennsylvania - the Appalachian Trail Box #262337

Shortly after this Appalachian Trail sign on Route 443, turn into State Park Lane. 
Go to the end of the road and park in the second parking lot.  Then take the trail that begins between the kiosk and the green bicycle repair station.
As you walk up the trail, it will begin to turn to the right.  Note the V tree close to the end of the curve.
Take 12 more steps and look 14 steps downhill to a large oak tree.  I forgot to take a picture but about 20 feet up the trunk, the tree turns into a Y tree. 
Tucked into the toes on the front side of the tree is the Appalachian Trail box.