Tuesday, November 03, 2009


There are all kinds of friends in this world. There are the people I work with who spend more time with me than even my family does. They know more about me than most people do, sometimes even more than my family does. And there are the friends that I socialize with. They usually know very little about me because our bond is often very limited to one small part of our lives. Then there are the friends who share a passion and that passion usually makes for a very strong friendship. Letterboxing is one of my two passions, and most people know that my grandchildren are the other.

I will never forget the first time that I met True Indigo of the Crayola Posse at a Rubbermaid Road Rally. I immediately felt a kindred spirit in spite of the fact that our lives are so different. Through the years, along with RGBisMe, we have enjoyed so many experiences and this past weekend, I was delighted to be asked to join them for a letterboxing milestone. We met early on a rainy Sunday morning to begin our quest to find their 1000th letterbox. We quickly found two of my drivebys and then headed for Nolde Forest to find the final four that they needed. Slowly, we began our countdown, finding one, then the second and then moved on to their third. But I had a surprise planned for them because I wanted their 1000th find to be one of my boxes. As they were searching for number 999, I quickly hid number 1000, and when they came to the table to stamp in, I gave them the simple clues to attain their goal. They quickly found a Celebration!

After the Celebration! we continued on our search for additional boxes, all the time looking for a suitable permanent hiding spot for Celebration! We had cause for another mini Celebration! after finding a mystery box that has eluded me several times. When we finished with that Celebration! we moved on a little and we found a hiding spot for Celebration! We headed north on the Laurel Path. About 120 steps past the intersection with Cabin Hollow Road, we saw a three trunk chestnut oak about twenty feet off the trail on the right. Celebration! nestled very nicely in the joint formed by the three trunks. RGBisMe collected some rocks to help anchor it in and while doing so, also found an interesting camo pole which was part of a Villanova bird study. We felt pretty good about the hiding spot as we walked further down the trail, soon hitting the connector trail with the Middle Road and the next part of our quest. Although our Celebration! is now behind us, I would like to invite each and every one of you to join me in our Celebration! of the Crayola Posse’s 1000th find.

Length of walk: 2 miles roundtrip
Elevation: varies depending on your route, highest elevation about 100 feet
Date Planted: 11/1/09
Color needed for stamp: Bright colors

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I have decided to open these clues back up for public viewing and have checked on a few boxes in the past couple of weeks. As I check or get reports on the conditions, I will post them here.