Start your walk by parking at 27th Street and Fairview Avenue.
Walk right by this sign, I spoke to the owner and it is only to prevent parking on the gravel road leading to the trailhead.
Pass through the gate and walk up the gravel road. Note that this is not little gravel stones, these are rocks. Please tread carefully.
Pass the sign that says you are on the East Ridge Trail.
When the gravel ends, ignore the mess that is to your right and walk straight ahead, into the woods.
Keep walking, it isn't long, don't turn your head.
Whew! You made it into the woods, now go up this little hill to the post at the top of it.
You made it to the post! Congratulations. You can look all around you now, it is safe.
The arrow says turn right, so do it. You can walk up these three wooden steps or on the dirt beside them. I chose the dirt. It looked safer.
Step over the little dip in the trail and walk to that orange blaze ahead of you.
Look you are at the orange blaze already!! See that spindly multi trunked tree to the right side of the picture? Go to it.
Go to the back of the spindly tree.
Tucked into the middle you will find the Green is the Prime Color box.