Hike Length: about 1 mile round trip
Date Planted: April 3, 2005
7/20/2006 This box has been pulled to return to Psychokiwi.
The Pateke box is part of the IALC (International Artgirl Letterboxing Cabal) exchange. The box listed here was created by Team Psychokiwi from New Zealand and is now planted in Nolde Forest by Team Little Dog. Note: At the request of Psychokiwi, this box will be pulled and returned to her at the end of July, 2006. Another box will be placed in the same area but this is your last chance to get a neat stamp from New Zealand.
I checked on this box 7/5/2006. It is in excellent condition but the logbook was full. I had planned on keeping the full log book in the box for others to enjoy (it is unique) but I couldn't fit it in with the new log book.
This picture is the reason that I checked on this box today. We have just had a tremendous amount of rain and a lot of local flooding and I was afraid that this box would have floated away. The creek here has been dry more often than it has had water in it on my trips to this park. Fortunately, the water was flowing nicely and the box was dry as a bone.
To find this box, go to the Sawmill Parking lot of the forest in Berks County originally owned by a producer of hosiery and get out of your car and admire the dam and little waterfall. Then turn your back on this pretty sight and take the trail which is now to your left. After you pass two sets of park benches, watch for a swatch of green and turn left on the trail after it. Walk up, up, up till you have to make a choice. If you choose the right way you will be on a timber and tree root stepped path. Take this to the loop and go counterclockwise. You will see a wooden platform, ignore it, the box is not there. Go a bit further to a little hill on the right. Go down that to the two trunked tree that is directly in front of you and search for your reward.
While you are in the park be sure to search for the ShredMTB's Series.
Please let me know when you find this box so that both Team Psychokiwi and Team Little Dog can share in your excitement!
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